Susan Kozel gave a talk entitled “When Performance and Philosophy Become Design Materials” Dialogues Between Dance and Interaction Design on 29 March 2017 at the International Talk Series at EMPAC (the Experimental Media and Performing Arts Centre) at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York (USA).
Abstract —
Can we re-enact the experiences and histories of others?
Are there ethical implications when affect becomes a design material?
Can dance improvisation refine and expand the performative methods already used in interaction design?
These questions are starting points for this keynote emphasizing the applied qualities of performativity and phenomenology, where ‘applied’ refers to the potential for practical and material performances of bodies, memories, and data. This talk opened out various research strands from the Living Archives research project and offers another approach (a somatic counterpoint) to the material turn in performance and design.
A video of the talk is also available at (and below):