Living Archives affiliate Daniel Spikol presented a paper at Ideas in Mobile Learning 2014, an event that brought together practitioners, industry players, and researchers to exchange visions of how to use mobile technology to change the way we teach and learn.
The paper Using Augmented Reality, Artistic Research, and Mobile Phones to Explore Practice-based Learning is co-authored by Daniel Spikol, Camilla Ryd, Jacek Smolicki, Susan Kozel, and Jeanette Ginslov. In short, the paper argues that the design of practice-based learning activities can benefit from integrating artistic research, both in the development of these activities and when carrying them out. Spikol’s presentation is embedded below (or here on YouTube). The slides are available here.
Daniel Spikol also contributed a paper on Designing for Drawing-based Modelling for Tablet Computers, co-authored by Axel Olsson.