PhD in Media and Communications and within the Living Archives Research Project.
Jacek Smolicki (b.1982, Krakow) is a Stockholm-based cross-media artist, designer, researcher and walker working at the intersection of aesthetics, technology, archiving and everyday life. Besides engaging with existing archives and heritage, he is interested in forging and testing new techniques for experiencing, recording and para-archiving space, time and everyday life, especially through the medium of sound. His work is manifested through soundscape compositions, sound installations, soundwalks, site-specific archives, disparate cartographies and post-digital performative situations. In parallel to these activities, for the last several years Smolicki has been committed to a set of documentary practices in which a systematic experimentation with various recording techniques and technologies leads to the construction of a multifaceted record of contemporary everyday life and environment (On-Going Project). One such practice is the archiving of one-minute field recordings executed every day since July 2010. He has exhibited, presented his works, soundwalked and gave workshops internationally (e.g. Madrid, Moscow, Helsinki, Stockholm, San Francisco, Kraków, Vienna, Sarajevo, Budapest,). He holds his MFA degrees in Methodology of Design, Interdisciplinary Studies/Experience Design and Sound Art, and a PhD from the School of Arts and Communication / Malmö University where he was a member of the Living Archives, a research project founded by the Swedish Research Council. His largely practice-based thesis explored how technological transformations have been affecting aesthetic, material, performative and ethical aspects of personal archiving and memory practices, historically and presently, in the times of ‘capture culture’, which is how he defines the state in which the digital has become the no longer questioned norm.