Archiving the Ephemeral

‘Archiving the Ephemeral’ is a workshop on augmented reality and digital heritage at Moholy Nagy Institute of Art and Design, Budapest, Hungary. In November 2013, Smolicki was the guest of MOME TechLab running the 4-day workshop titled “Archiving the Ephemeral”. In the workshop facilitated by prof. Zsófia Ruttkay, the head… Continue reading


Let’s say the digital revolution is over. The enthusiasm that ushered in this revolution has since become counter-balanced, if not submerged, by skepticism and disenchantment. And what we are faced with are ubiquitous surveillance, impoverishment of aesthetic experiences and trivialization of social life, the results of an – at once deep and shallow – immersion in the digital and network media. The way we access, record and archive our presence in the world has also been affected. In this post-digital situation, we all engage in some forms of archiving, whether we want to – or not. When interacting with our devices, we archive and are being archived, held captive by a densely woven net of technologies. How can this condition be approached creatively? Continue reading

IxD Master Student Project: Co-archiving Practices for Refugee Documentation

In collaboration with the Refugee Documentation project run by the Regional Museum in Kristianstad, Malmö Museums, Kulturen Museum and the Department of Cultural Sciences, Lund University, Living Archives has developed the project Co-archiving Practices for Refugee Documentation. Interaction design master students School of Arts and Communication (K3), Malmö University were… Continue reading

Co-archiving Refugee Documentation Workshops

The Co-archiving Refugee Documentation project is based upon a collaboration with the Flyktingdokumentation/Refugee Documentation project run by the Regional Museum in Kristianstad, Malmö Museums, Kulturen Museum and the Department of Cultural Sciences, Lund University, and aimed at prototyping collaborative (co-)archiving practices for involving underrepresented voices in contributing to our common… Continue reading

On the Creation and Maintenance of a Shadow Archive open workshop

A practical workshop providing an ethnographic overview of shadow archive functioning: the creation, deployment, curation, up-keep, as well as the maintenance of the overall operational security thereof. Special attention will be paid to the expropriation of militarized intelligence gathering strategies, now recontextualized in the service of the shadow archive. Continue reading

Document Decontamination: Mitigating Malice in the Archive open workshop

Document Decontamination: Mitigating Malice in the Archive open workshop. When? Friday, September 23 2016, 13.15-14.00 Where? The communal 5th floor study space in Niagara (Nordenskiöldsgatan 1, Malmö). What? An all-too-often overlooked threat to the archive is that of content watermarking–an injection of covert and/or overt unique fingerprints or serial numbers… Continue reading

Newcomer archives – Prototyping urban co-archiving practices for capturing and sharing Malmö

In collaboration with The Malmö City Archives, Living Archives have initiated a project aiming at exploring and prototyping collaborative(co)-archiving practices inviting young newcomers to generate archive material to the official city archives.  The basic idea is to prototype alternative archiving practices for involving more people in documenting the here-and-now of… Continue reading

RADiCAL.PiRATiCAL: (a really) Open Call for Workshops

RADiCAL.PiRATiCAL: (a really) Open Call for Workshops What is This? Focusing on an exploration of various modes of non-legalist archival practices–non-legalist archives being those archives which are created without corporate or state interference, but are horizontally-curated, communal collections–RADiCAL.PiRATiCAL will aim to explore questions along the lines of how are independent archives… Continue reading

Security Considerations for Image Archival open workshop

Security Considerations for Image Archival open workshop. When? Tuesday, April 5 2016, 13.15-15.00 Where? The communal 5th floor study space in Niagara (Nordenskiöldsgatan 1, Malmö). What? What security issues may one want to consider when images are involved in one’s research? This workshop will explore potential steps which can be… Continue reading

Vaulting the Archive//Destroying the Archive open workshops

Vaulting the Archive//Destroying the Archive twin open workshops. When? Thursday, March 10 2016, 10.00-12.00 Where? The communal 5th floor study space in Niagara (Nordenskiöldsgatan 1, Malmö). What? Data handling dilemmas plague, or should plague, research today: how can one strive to keep one’s research data (and therefore oneself and one’s… Continue reading

Facilitating Knowledge Sharing open workshop

Facilitating Knowledge Sharing open workshop. When? Thursday, February 18th 2016, 13.30-15.30 Where? The communal 5th floor study space in Niagara (Nordenskiöldsgatan 1, Malmö). What? Dear colleagues and comrades, have you ever needed, say, a journal article or a book for your research, but couldn’t readily procure access to it? Then you… Continue reading

From Soil to Structure, June 4-5 2015

This is an open invitation to attend a two-day program of cultural activities and discussions around soil and urban memories. Artists, urban gardeners, residents and researchers will meet to experience, discuss as well as taste a specific moment in history. Participants are among others: Alessandro Carboni, Anna Maria Orrú, Elin Wikström, Gunnel Petterson,… Continue reading

Workshop: Em:toolkit – Tools for urban mapping and performance practices

NB! Postponed until September, 2015! Interdisciplinary workshop with artist/researcher Alessandro Carboni, 9­–11 June 2015 (2–6 PM at K3). Participants should preferably be able to take part all three days. The aim of the workshop is to explore the city of Malmö with alternative performative practices of urban mapping. The performative character of the… Continue reading

Soil Memories workshop på Framtidsveckan, 5 maj 2015

Inbjudan till SOIL MEMORIES workshop – del av Makroskopets program under Framtidsveckan i Sofielund, Malmö Urban Archiving är del av ett större forskningsprojekt på K3/Malmö högskola som heter Living Archives som bl.a. undersöker hur arkiv kan användas som en resurs för social förändring där användare ges möjligheten att tillsammans skapa bilden av vår gemensamma… Continue reading

Eat a Memory #2

Eat a Memory is a series of activities exploring food and meals as performed memories, and cooking as preserving family and community history. The Eat a Memory #2 was organised in collaboration with Marketview Heights Collective Action Project in Rochester (USA), and researchers at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). Residents in… Continue reading

Eat a Memory #1

A series of experiments exploring food and meals as performed memories, and cooking as archival practice. The first Eat a Memory gathering took place in the end of November 2014. At the dinner, memories were performed, shared, collected, and in the following shared again. The invitation Tonight’s theme: Your grandparents’ gardens Bring… Continue reading

Open Data and Digital Archives in the Urban Gardening Context


In collaboration with master’s students at the Media Software Design programme, researchers in the Living Archives project initiated an exploratory study aiming at supporting urban gardening practices through digital technologies. The study resulted in two prototypes: the Sensor Stick generating data on moisture levels at various soil depths, and the… Continue reading

Levande minnen: summary from seminar Sep 23

On September 23, Ozma and Living Archives organized a seminar for the Living Memories (Levande minnen) project at Medea, Malmö University. Attending were researchers from Living Archives, archivists from three Nordic Folklore archives (Folklivsarkivet i Lund, Norsk Folkemuseum and Dansk Folkemindesamling), representatives from the department of Cultural Sciences at Lund University,… Continue reading

Rethinking the Index and Designing Commons at DRS 2014

Researchers from the Living Archives project will join panels and host workshops at the Design Research Society’s 2014 conference, Umeå, Sweden. On June 15, Erling Björgvinsson co-hosts the workshop Designing Commons – Commons for Design, which aims to explore what professional designers and researchers, who operate in commons-like frameworks and aim to… Continue reading

Performing Archives: Artistic research, archives and augmented reality

Performing Archives was one week workshop, from the 28th of April to the 2nd of Maj 2014, hosted by the Living Archives in collaboration with the DAMA network. Performing Archives explored the notion of ethereal media in the context of augmented performances. Throughout the week, themes and concepts emerged around what it means to search for the perfect moment and how augmented reality can transform social performative settings.

Artistic Research in dance and augmented reality

The DAMA network is connecting students and teachers in dance and various disciplines of design and new media, from the Nordic and Baltic countries, in order to meet and do interdisciplinary practice-based artistic research together. Performing Archives is part of performance strand of Living Archives and a continuation of the AffeXity project. In Performing Archives, researchers and students worked together in a series of talks and workshops with the notion of cultural and personal archives. In addition, this was explored in conjunction with mobile augmented reality and social media applications as tools for content creation, prototyping and archiving. Continue reading

Outcome of the Digisam seminar “A sneak peek of Living Archives”

Living Archives hosted the Developer’s Breakfast at the Riksarkivet conference Digisam 2013 in Malmö. Here’s a short wrap-up of the seminar that dealt with these topics: (1) how archives can be “lived/performed”, (2) contemporary personal archiving practices, and (3) digital archives, open data and crowdsourcing. The seminar started with a brief introduction… Continue reading

DansAR workshops

The DansAR workshop series was an Augmented Reality (AR) performance project exploring how digital media content (e.g. videos and still images) can be made accessible and lived by means of augmented reality technologies. This post is an edited version of DansAR 01 & 02 Feb-March 2013 written by project partner Jeannette… Continue reading